Tuesday, May 8, 2012

 Maybe we aren't as cool as I thought.  The attorney General here in Boston just made a ridiculous announcement. Starting August 1st, there will be no Bake Sales allowed on school premises for fund raising because of the obesity problem in children.  What is this foolishness?  Why must these people continually destroy anything fun, not to mention fond memories from my childhood.  I remember what some insincere health agenda folks tried to pull with the character Cookie Monster from Sesame Street.  They started calling him Carrot Monster.  What a horrible campaign!  I found it was totally offensive. You can't mess with an icon like that, people get really angry. The best part was little kids weren't buying it.  There is nothing funny about seeing Cookie monster bite into a carrot.  Children love to see that frenzied blue fur ball with googly eyes throwing crumbs all other the place yelling "Yum, yum, yum, Cookies!"  It's hilarious.  Anyway, carrots can be dangerous choking hazards for kids.  Very few deaths are caused by cookies, right?......Boston's Attorney General would disagree. Sesame decided to relaunch the concept by saying that cookies are a "Sometimes food". So lame.
 I say, let's have cigarette sales!!!! Yes, you heard me right.  Did you know that a huge portion of taxes taken from cigarettes fund children's programs.  When the state, again, so concerned about our health, decided to have a cigarette terror campaign, people, by the thousands kicked the habit.  This was good but of course the consequence was kids after school programs were cut. The state had to charge crazy amounts of money for each pack to regain some of the lost revenue. Unfortunately, it was too late, many of these kids programs that provided exercise in the form of dancing and sports disappeared, never to be reorganized or funded.Let's look at smokers in general, they are all pretty thin.  It all make sense.
Of course, I am kidding.
  It makes me sad to think that they would attack something that to me is so "All American". I think about the local  school communities organizing an event like this. It seems so harmless.  Everyone doing there little part to raise money for a bigger cause.  What a great example to show our kids, that they can make a difference in the world by baking cupcakes. To me, that message is very empowering.  I guess I was wrong.  I am so excited to see how thin and healthy all these school kids are going to be. These yearly bake sales are really taking their toll.  My question is are these fund raising events going to be replaced by " jog-a-thons" or "soap free" environmentally friendly car washes? (no old creepy guys allowed.)  Deep down I feel like this is just another area where "the man" is trying to ruin everyone's fun because he is not getting his cut. Sorry, foreign children who are victims of naturally disasters, we will not be raising any money for you anymore. Oh well.

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