Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Making snacks even better!!!!


I am always thinking to myself, what could make this better?  When it comes to food the obvious answer is more butter, cheese, salt, cream or sugar. These yummy food items get a bad rap but there is no denying people love them.  I will watch the shows on television that travel around the country testing out new dishes at local greasy spoon type establishments. I have seen people lining up in the cold to wait for their 4000 calorie hot dog.  They are loaded up with cheese, chili, sour cream, pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, hot peppers, blue cheese and occasionally, french fries. Once and a while there will be a fried egg thrown on top as well.  I can't seem to get my head around that.
One thing is certain, these shows are more popular than the healthy cooking shows that usually only last one or two seasons. The bottom line is people like to enjoy themselves. We can pretend we love basic plain foods, free of condiments because we like to be healthy.  However, can't we have it both ways?  Why can't we reign it in and show a little self control?  Can't we have that piled high burger and skip on dessert?  Can't we ask for gravy but drink ice water with our meal?  Can't we be like the French and have it all?  No we can not.  We are Americans and we want to live life to the fullest, so let's indulge.
             Today, I am thinking about potato chips. Lets dress them up!  Everyone loves the variety of chips out there. There is the kettle corn style that I don't like because they destroy the roof of your mouth, then there is the preformed style that comes in a can. We also have the plain old fashioned type as well as the textured ridge cut. I prefer to use the lined ridge chips because they are strong and crunchy but not too dangerous. Get yourself some plain potato, salt flavored chips and dip them one by one in some melted milk chocolate. Let them cool on wax paper.  They are so good,  bet you can't eat just one.  However, for me, five or six chips does the trick.  They are very rich. Definitely, the best of both worlds since chocolate pretzels. I have changed it up a little with melted butterscotch chips on sour cream and onion chips but if you can get a garlic potato chip, it will taste better.  I have also done dark chocolate on a barbecue chip and added a little crushed. red pepper to the mix.( Be sure to remove the seeds.)  That combo was "Off the chain!"
             See how it all came together with so little effort.  I wonder if chocolate mashed potatoes would work?

    Popcorn is also a great vehicle for chocolate but this is nothing new.  I like to throw hard candy into a food processor and sprinkle it over popcorn. It is best if the popcorn is put on a baking sheet in a preheated 350 degree oven for 15 to 20 minutes. I have done hot cinnamon drops, candy canes, fruit flavored lollipops, butterscotch with garlic powder, even horehound and anise.  I have not tried cough drops but I am curious. You just never know. The possibilities are endless!

 Those are edible shot glasses. I thought they were great.  Just don't get the outside wet or they will get very sticky.

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