Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Prom

This is Prom season here in Boston, and I believe, all around the U.S.A.  Here we call it "The Prom" where in the rest of the country it is just "Prom".
 I thought this video was terrific.  It is a pre-prom party for the Boston High Prom.  It looks like even little sister got all dressed up for the event.  I adore the classic table spread with finger sandwiches and dainties.  Mom must have gone all out, just like I would.

I love the beautiful dresses. Last year many friends posted photos of their daughters in their prom dresses online.  What a disappointment.  They were wearing these tiny strapless bubble dresses with no shape.  The dress manufacturers made a killing last year. Parents everywhere were spending over one hundred dollars for under a yard of fabric.  I really wanted to say, they looked beautiful, but, the girls looked like street walkers.  This year, from what I can see, there seems to be a lot more variety. A few friends said their daughters ordered vintage gowns online. I think that is great, vintage dresses are better made, classic designs which means they can be sold again and good for the environment.

I have a problem with the music they play at proms.  It is as depressing as when they start blaring the rap music with raunchy lyrics at weddings.  I always cringe because I know, as I call it,  "the Drunk Girl Shuffle" is going to start.  I know everyone is familiar with it.  It is when the ladies kick off their shoes and bop around with a beer bottle in their hand, pointing at friends and singing the wrong song  lyrics.  So unsophisticated. I think they should play big band music or classic jazz at weddings and proms. I remember being all decked out in my very puffy, eighties, electric blue gown and dancing to "Walk like an Egyptian", by the Bangles. It just kind of lost something.  I wanted something dreamy and romantic, I did however, marry my prom date.  Good times.

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