Friday, May 4, 2012

Dear Diary

Friday is here!!!!  Chick and I apologize for the current mediocrity of this blog.  We really need to jazz it up.  Actually, a little retro jazz playing in the background could really set the mood here.  I wish I knew how to figure that out......or understood blog page design.  Sorry, I have no clue how to do any of that.  Perhaps the pearls of wisdom that Chick and I plan to share will carry this spot to the top. I doubt it. Oh well.

However,  our cooking is something different. We always seem to pull it together with a little bit of this or that.  I am a total fan of the secret ingredient factor in recipes. I love watching puzzled diners try to figure out that special spice that sets our dishes apart.  I am easily entertained I guess. We look forward to perhaps sharing our neat ideas with you.

This is Cinco De Mayo Weekend!!!!  I have always heard it was Mexico's independence day.  I like to be informed so I looked it up.  I read that it is really El Dia de la Batalia de Puebla.  Who knew?   It doesn't change the fact that we are having Mexican food. Yay!!!!!  Everyone loves Mexican food...Right? Actually, I know a lot of people that hate it. You must admit, if you don't like salsa, rice, beans, peppers or tomatoes you are narrowing down your options.  I am assuming that combo is more prevalent at American Mexican restaurants.  I mean, I even a hard time believing fish tacos are actually Mexican.  Maybe I am wrong.  I haven't done the research yet.  Chick and I plan on going to some of the finest Boston Mexican restaurants and ordering something that we would not expect from a Mexican establishment.  We will let you know how it goes. Adios amigos!!!!

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