Friday, May 11, 2012

Thoughts about Mother's Day

It is Mother's Day weekend!  I am a Mom and I have a Mom.  I am looking forward to some cute cards made by my children and maybe some flowers and candy.  The flowers will most likely be the flowers I just planted in my yard.  How can I get angry when I see those cute little faces beaming.  They get so excited.  I might even get breakfast in bed. The possibilities are endless.

I will also do something nice for my Mother.  There is usually a nice dinner planned at her house that my Father takes care of.  He realized years ago, that when everyone comes over, they're usually looking for food so it is best to have a spread ready in advance. It will most likely be a barbecue.

 My Mother likes to get a lot of little gifts rather than one.  She will be expecting a gift basket with candy, make-up, hand cream and maybe some cute accessories. She will give all the candy to the grandchildren, tell me the make up is the wrong shade and then complain that the accessories are cute but I should take them for work.  I have decided to buy things I like just because it seems to be the same routine every year. Of course, I love the lady but she can be a challenge.  My kids are probably starting to see me in that light as well.  I will blame the stubbornness on getting older.  It seems more acceptable.

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