Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thoughts on a Rainy Day

It is rainy and chilly here in Boston today.  That means I can wear my cute, plaid, rain boots.  I love rain gear.  I love the variety of umbrellas, galoshes and cute rain coats.  I especially love those adorable little plastic rain hats that come in a little snap pouch.  Most people won't even know what I am talking about because only women in their seventies and older use them now a days.  These little bonnets were often given away for promotional reason by hotels, funeral homes and air ports. They were really not much more than a plastic bag you could pull over your hair do to keep it is place. Then it would fold back up and go in it's pouch til next time.  Nobody cares anymore about looking fabulous I guess.  Especially, here in Boston. In a national survey,we won for sloppiest dressers and meanest people in the country. It feels good to be number one.  However, I must explain that Bostonians are, as we would say, "wicked" loyal. We love our sports team and have a ton of pride.  A person from another state (with losing sports teams) might look down on a sloppy sweat shirt with a sport logo but here in Boston, we are all about family loyalty.  Personally, I don't understand where the reputation for being mean comes from.  Chick and I are going to try to change that reputation.
 Anyway, getting back to the rainy weather topic, we desperately need the rain.  I planted a cute, little veggie garden.  If all goes well, I imagine, I will be incorporating a ton of fresh produce to my recipes in the fall.
 However, most likely nothing will grow.  I will yield a few malformed tomatoes.  This is what happened last year.  It did not stop me from proudly displaying them on the kitchen window sill so that I could point them out to guests.  I would ask if they wanted my garden fresh, sliced "tomahhhhto" on their watercress finger sandwiches.  There were no takers; they were never actually eaten.  The poor tomatoes sat too long.  I feel bad about that. 

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