Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thinkin' bout cookies

I am going to bake cookies today.  I am not a fan of baking cookies because in my house, they are gone ten minutes after I make them.  I am thinking on making something good, nutritious but not too good.  Something hearty and old fashioned. Maybe an oatmeal raisin, peppery gingersnap or better yet..... a molasses cookie.
 I had neighbors , when I was very young, an elderly threesome, two sisters and a brother, that were all over eighty years of age. That means they were born in the late eighteen nineties.  What an incredible link to the past. None of them ever married.  They were Quakers to boot. Anyway, there was always a delightful smell of molasses cookies in their home. I feel like that was probably the smell of most kitchens, turn of the century.
Molasses comes in different grades.  It is basically the byproduct of boiled and bleached sugar.  Once again all the health is drained from our food to make it look prettier. My mother swears by black strap molasses as an iron supplement. It has such a strong flavor and viscous consistency that I would gag trying to swallow down a spoonful as a child. My mother should have mixed it up in a banana shake with ice cream. That sounds yummy. Note to self, try that later.
The smell of molasses brings me back to my childhood.  Molasses also has a very sinister past here in Boston. Back in 1919, a huge drum of molasses exploded. The Great Boston Molasses flood was no joke, it resulted in several deaths. They say you can smell molasses on really hot days in Boston. In that case, that endearing memorable aroma would be the smell of death............ Well, that just changed everything. New plan, I am going to make.......I mean, go out and buy, chocolate chip cookies. Enjoy the day!!!

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