Friday, May 18, 2012

Feelin' good Friday!

Friday is Pizza Day.  Every Friday in school we could order pizza.  We always looked forward those hot cheesy squares sitting in orange grease. The pizza itself, represented good times.  Especially, because we would usually do our serious classes and quizzes on Friday morning.  After pizza, meant gym class and finally my favorite class...Art.  I can still smell all those wonderful art supply smells.  Construction paper, jars of thick paint in contemporary colors and of course rubber cement.  All my friends had rubber cement balls in their desk. We would add another sticky layer to it any opportunity we got. If it wasn't totally dry the thing would fall apart.  It really took some craftsmanship. There were a few boys in the class who took part in the rubber cement ball challenge as well.  They always seemed to be starting their rubber balls from scratch.  They couldn't resist throwing them randomly in class or stealing their pals, only to have them confiscated. I saw friendships ruined over incidents smaller than this.
I always loved the art teachers as well.  When I was in school in the seventies and eighties most of the folks in the Art Department were ex-beatniks or hippies. Interesting, enthusiastic people who would really encourage the kids. They would get down and dirty with paper mache', clay or collage assignments. They would push us to dig deeper for inspirational ideas and concepts.  They taught us how to look at and appreciate another students work.  Many times, I would think my painting was much better than the kid next to me. I can still see the "Bob Ross" type teacher, sitting on the desk with his worn out, brown corduroy pants, and unruly hair, asking them about their work.  Many times, after hearing the other student explain their work, my opinion would change, not only about their twisted self portrait, but maybe about them as a person.  Fridays, art and pizza, it's all good.  Hoping to find a little inspiration myself this weekend.  Maybe, it will be good enough to share.

This is a great way to kick off the weekend. Who doesn't love Frank? This is one of my favorite songs as well. Love!!!!!!!

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