Monday, May 7, 2012


This weekend did not go as planned. Chick had plans and I had a family party on Sunday to organize and throw.  I was hoping to sneak away, at the very least, for some local Mexican take-out. I jumped on-line to see what was out there in the Boston area.  There are plenty of fast food joints but I was looking for a Boston favorite mom and pop type establishment.
  I thought when making my choice, that it would be important to read any comments added by customers.  Needless to say, I was horrified. Apparently, Boston is not a big taco town.  There were tons of comments written about several establishments and they were all pretty lame.  Why would I waste my time? Then I noticed that most of the comments started with, "I'm from L.A." or " I am from Texas".   I then realized that Boston did not have a ton of Mexicans like some of these other states. That is just the way it is, and besides, we can't be awesome in everything. Nobody does Chinese food like we do here in Bean Town, and Boston's North End,...ever heard of it? They have "real" Italian pizza and pastries.  My family went to visit friends in New York last summer and they proudly took us to one of New York's best pizza places. I was totally not impressed but I did manage to choke down three slices. Anyway, the point is, I am going to put the Mexican mystery on the back burner until later.

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