Monday, May 21, 2012

People love to be ripped off.

This might be blasphemy, but I am going to say it.  What is the big deal about risotto! It is rice...get over it.  I hear people talking about certain restaurants and throwing in "they make a really fantastic risotto".  How fantastic can it be?  I am going to take it a step further. I ordered a lobster and mushroom risotto recently and to me it tasted like, cream of mushroom soup on rice. Sure, there was a piece of lobster on the top which probably validated the thirty dollar price tag.  I was appalled. Why are folks so easily impressed?  Is it because they like saying the word risotto, with a slightly Italian twang?  It is so pretentious. I am just not fooled.  This is just another incident of people going with what is fashionable or in, even if it is a rip off.  Risotto or rice, even short grained, creamy, slightly "al dente"  rice, is dirt cheap to buy. However, people will spend foolish amounts of money, because it is so good.  It is definitely good for restaurants and their profits.  I would prefer to fill up on a basket of bread and some spreadable garlic. To be perfectly honest, I would rather fill up on popcorn. Restaurants don't use popcorn as much as they did back in the eighties. That is because we are so much more sophisticated now. In reality, it was because I was hanging around burger places that geared more towards the younger generation.

Risotto is only one way we are being taken advantage of.  Look at socks.  It is getting harder and harder to find socks that go above the ankle anymore.  I hate seeing my sons wearing those ankleless socks never mind, full grown men.  They might as well have a pastel colored pom pom on the heel like the little tennis socks of yesteryear. Are people buying them because they are what is available or because they like them?  To me, it is another example of people paying the same amount, if not more money, for less product. I also look at all the sleeveless dresses and tops. Arms and shoulders are only cute up to a certain age. Most women need to purchase a sweater to cover those guns. How about hairstyles. Everyone has been walking around with straight middle parts, up to the shoulder if your over thirty and longer if you're younger. Again, going down memory lane, people seemed to be changing hairstyle, cuts and colors all through the seventies and eighties. The Dorothy Hammil, the Farrah Faucet, the Bo Derek, then perms and big up do's all fizzled out mid nineties when someone decided middle parts with no style is the way to go.  It is cheap , easy to maintain, less work for hair dressers, no complaints from customers and I guess we continue with this trend until it hits a twenty year streak.  Maybe then someone will decide hats are the way to go. I would actually be happy about that.

This is too long but it does have some fabulous hats. I finished a cup of tea watching it. Don't get me started about how overrated theater is. Another story for another day.

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