Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January Birthdays don't have to be cold.

I have three birthdays this week, so there is a ton of pressure to make sure everyone feels special. Yesterday, I had a little afternoon birthday for my five year old. He had originally said he wanted a Superhero party but it all changed gears around 8:30 when he saw the snow on the ground.  He said he wanted a snowman party....No problem.  First, I made a little holiday non-specific banner out of scrapbook paper. It took about twenty minutes.

Then I decided to make a snowman pinata out of some paper bags, hot glue and tissue paper.  The tissue paper had white snow flakes on it so it actually came out really cute. It was filled with toy blow horns(bad idea), candy and superhero rings. It took me about thirty five minutes to make it.Again pretty good for something made to be smashed to smithereens. 
I originally made cup cakes but I had remembered seeing a snowman cake at Whole Foods. I ran out and they had both chocolate and vanilla versions. Wow, it was really coming together.
 Next, I thought of some silly games. Here is a makeshift pin the snowman on the north pole game. I cut the little snowmen from wrapping paper left over from the Holidays. I also took advantage of the static electricity and had the kids do a balloon  race. I blew up a ton of little water balloons and had the kids stick three balloons to themselves and try to finish the race without dropping any. It turns out, sticking them to their heads worked best...actually a little to efficient, good thing I bought a bunch of prizes. It was a really hilarious spectacle.

 I had the cupcakes on standby with little snowflake decorations. The little cupcake holders had Christmas-y trees but I don't think anyone noticed.

 I found these adorable napkins and paper plates. I just love the colors and design. Deer are always so classic. I wish I had dinnerware with this winter-y motif!  Anyway, needless to say the party, even with the run to the store came together in about an hour and forty minutes. It was so important that my little five year old got the type of party he wanted.
 On that note, I just wanted to share my little kids three favorite winter books. The first one in the front. Your not my Snowman, is for really little guys. It is so cute, a touch and feel type sensory book. The second book, Snow, is fun and it rhymes, I know the whole thing by heart. My favorite line about snow in there is, "Do you like it in your face? Yes, I like it anyplace." So funny.  Finally, I have the book from my childhood, The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. The part of the book where the boy comes home, takes off the wet snow clothes and takes a hot bath always resonated with me and still does. Well, off to think of some more birthday fun for Thursday. Maybe I'll just take them to Chuck E. Cheese.

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