Friday, January 25, 2013

Another Lil' Birthday

 Here a few little pictures from yesterdays Spongebob birthday for my seven year old. Here are some favors and a nice variety of pinata candy.
 It was very hard for me not to buy all valentines day stuff. Everything was so cute!
 Fun collection of fake mustachios  I noticed there is no Hitler style, I suppose that could really throw a party into a tailspin. Nice editing mustache makers.
 Here is festive, however, non beach themed cake that I originally wanted.
 Here is the last minute pinata made from a gift box and construction paper. It took about a half hour to make.  It was impossible to open. I finally had to resort to tearing it open and showering candy on the kids. Note to stupid self, wax bottles with sticky candy liquid is a bad idea for a pinata.
I cut out Spongbob characters and taped them to bowling pins. The kids thought it was hilarious to see them fall after being slammed with the bowling ball. Too funny. I also had a huge sea shell hunt. The kids loved finding them. And there was a special, painted shell that was worth a special prize. I also did a few bean bag toss games.  Fun was had by all. Phew.

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