Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gettin' Steamed in Waltham

Here is a little slideshow of some of today's highlights of the Waltham City Watch Festival.  It really is an incredible event. Steampunk enthusiasts from all over, gather in Waltham MA.  People dressed in costumes and exhibiting unusual hand crafted items that represent the world that could possibly exist in an alternate history where the Victoria Era/Wild West meets a science fiction world. It is an interesting concept.  It was a ton of fun and there were so many gifted artist and musicians not to mention fascinating contraptions.  Some people are so clever! In the first photo there is a blacksmith who made beautiful things out of iron.  Really cool. I loved the anvil. I had only seen them in cartoons.

I posted photos of three beautiful calliopes playing pipe organ/carnival music. It was nice to see these incredible machines refurbished and entertaining so many people. Little kids were dancing around as a man dressed as a ring master blew gigantic bubbles.  It was all so festive.

Finally, I am sure you would agree that the costumes speak for themselves. I could have sat there all day and watched the crowds of interesting characters go by. It was definitely worth the trip.

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