Wednesday, May 23, 2012

To run or not to run?

I have really big plans. I have decided to run the 19th annual Corrib Pub Road Race, in West Roxbury.  It is a 5k run that takes place in a few weeks.  How hard can it be?  It can be really hard. I hate running.  I hate exercise.  Strangely enough, I love dancing and could do it for hours, I even enjoy manual labor. Yard work, gardening, hiking, getting down and dirty, it is all good.  It cost thirty dollars and all the proceeds go The Corrib Charitable Trust.  What does that mean?  The thought of paying someone else so I can torture myself for some ambiguous charity seems a little crazy but, hey, no one else seems to be asking any questions. Who am I to upset the apple cart?  I am joking of course.  I know the pub donates tons of money to kids sport teams and community projects.

 However, back to running, there is something about your feet slamming the pavement and the pounding heartbeat you feel in your brain that really bums me out.  I can't stand the feeling of those flabby extra layers of "insulation" gyrating with each step.  Then, I look at the hundreds of people running these races. Look at the thousands lining up to jog The Boston Marathon.  Even old folks, running along, not getting winded, not to mention wearing a confident, happy look on their face.  I know when I run, my face looks like I am experiencing a horrible, unfortunate demise.

 I am choosing to make the sacrifice, though I am being driven by humility.  I am so embarrassed that I have been trying to build up some stamina for nearly four months now and one mile still feels like thirty.  What is wrong with me?

I am also running the race because of peer pressure. Can you believe that?  A bunch of  my friends are doing it.  The worst part is they are looking forward to it.  They aren't afraid like me?  I can still hear  my mother saying, "if your friend jumped off a cliff would you do it too?" Lesson learned. Thank you Mother, for the inspiration.  My sister's told me they were afraid I might have a heart attack.  Thanks for the vote of confidence  girls.  I didn't realize that age forty is the new eighty.  Maybe I won't run. 

On a different note,  The Corrib Pub has really awesome teriyaki  steak tips. They are definitely worth running for.  I would rather take my thirty bucks and buy two orders of tips for me and Chick.  Now that sounds like a plan.

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