Monday, June 25, 2012

This is not a romantic picnic!!!!!

I wanted to find a cute, retro picnic video but I could not find anything that did not involve Yogi Bear and Boo Boo. I found this video and I am showing it so that you will realize that this is a terrible example of both a romantic picnic and a basic enjoyable outdoor eating experience.

This guy looks like a slob. He has messy unkempt hair and a dodgy, pilly sweat shirt. He would have been fine if he kept just his vocal track or better yet, if he took a shower.

Then we go to the most important part of picnicking.....The food.  This guy then proudly displays his picnic spread. We start with a dry, leaf sandwich. Looks a little too green to be watercress - and where is the filling? A  tasty sandwich should not merely consist of just a garnish or a condiment. Where is the meat, or marinated mushroom, or even a grilled pepper?

Next, we move onto the clearly moldy strawberries with a handful of blueberries. We have some semi-sweet chocolate and a lame hunk of cheese.  Where is the variety?  Where are the crackers or bread sticks?

We "pretty up" the setting with some dead Gerber daisies which normally live a week without care. Basically, this guy went around his mother's kitchen and found a few odds and ends, which he threw into, what I am quite sure is, a very musty smelling picnic basket. That happens a lot when they are stored in a basement under comic books. The worst part is he had the nerve to call this an instructional video for a romantic picnic. Delusional.

Do me a favor, and don't follow any of this guys instruction, unless you plan on bringing three bottles of wine to take the edge off. This dud is clearly not getting a second date. Good luck in summer love. :)

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