Monday, June 4, 2012

I did it, reluctantly.....

Yesterday, I ran the 5k road race I was practicing for.  My family kept saying that they hoped, I didn't drop dead of a heart attack. Sigh. This started to worry me a bit. I am only forty three and pretty fit but one never knows.  I put off registering to run until the morning of the race in case it was too hot, or too rainy. I was looking for an excuse not to do it. However, fifteen minutes before the National Anthem, I signed up. A bunch of my friends were there, so there was a misery, loves company situation.

In reality, it wasn't that bad. I enjoyed giving little kids on the sidelines high fives. I enjoyed drinking the cups of water and throwing them on the ground.  I actually, spent a lot more time standing around the water stations than I should have, to catch a breather, but hey, I didn't want to "drop dead of a heart attack".

It cost thirty bucks and they served hockey puck hamburgers, cold hot dogs and lot's of beer. Who drinks beer after running? Apparently, tons of people. The beer line was a quarter mile itself. Beer and water.  No juice or soda for the non drinkers. I have to say it was a huge money making racket. I would assume that a pub that serves food would provide better fare for thirty bucks but no one seemed to care. All in all, it was a good time. However, I still hate running.

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