Thursday, June 7, 2012

Random Wednesday

Look at these big beautiful marshmallows. I never saw any this big before not to mention multicolored! I had to buy them. They have a delicate fruit flavor.  I thought they would be really pretty sliced up on a cake.  Then I started thinking about  (after the cookout)  s'mores with a twist.  These fruity marshmallows would go great with white chocolate on a chocolate flavored graham cracker. Can't wait to try it.
These adorable plant trees are popping up all over the place. What a fun idea. I have a bunch of old flowers pots in my garage.  Most of them are black or green plastic but that can be easily remedied  with some spray paint...and of course glitter. I am going to plant something different. Maybe strawberries, won't look as cute though. I will post pictures if it is worth sharing.  I found this idea on this site. I She is wonderful!!! Check her out!

Yesterday, a simple play date with the girls and their kids turned out to be a full blown party. We planned to hang out for an hour, long enough for a cup of tea.  We kept talking and the kids kept playing.  Before we knew it, it turned into....."Mommy, we're hungry!" We were all feeling a bit peckish. The cookies weren't cutting it.  We decided to go all out and ordered three Chinese Pu Pu Platters and some yummy side orders. I had to take a picture, it was a wonderful thing to behold. Everyone had fun and went home full.  I still had to make dinner a few hours later. That is the problem with Chinese food, it leaves you wanting more. Great Day!

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