Friday, June 8, 2012

Happy belated Record Store Day!

Howdy!!!  I just thought I would write about something that I am passionate about on several levels. Record Store Day!!!  This is an event that is not only in Boston but is all over the world.  It is a day to give honor to record stores that are slowly disappearing and an opportunity for vinyl collectors to find the albums they have been looking for.

 My husband was a DJ in the eighties and nineties so we have an extensive vinyl collection from the fifties onward. I feel that music on vinyl is recorded clearer, just how the songs were meant to be heard. Even with skips and crackles, you feel like you are there in the same room with the performers.

My hubby and I were both in bands so we appreciate the rawness of real instruments and  the "not so perfect" voices that give great songs character. Our band that had the biggest following was The Jinkies.  We played cool hole in the wall places like T.T. the Bears and the Middle East. The Middle East is still in Cambridge and hosts lot's of "has been" groups so one can actually go without feeling like the old weird guy at the party.

I really love old Vinyl records and their incredible art work. This is a truly dying art.  Many people today don't realize that some people may be looking for a certain vintage album because of the artist who designed the album cover. I love it when pop culture makes crosses over into the real world. You can check out to see how much people have actually spent on incredible vintage albums by performers like Elvis and Bob Dylan.

I am also a huge fan of vintage kids albums. I am amazed by the integrity of the musicians, or vocal performers not to mention , enamored by the great art or photos on the covers. This is my passion at the moment. I am heading south to the cape today to find some cool flea market finds between stopping for clam platters and salt water taffy. Hopefully, I will find something cool and valuable. Wish me luck!!

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