Monday, July 2, 2012

Workin Out, Retro Style

 This is a real gem!!!! This  Good Housekeeping record album was made before they had gyms everywhere for people to work out. It has an exercise for all the trouble spots a girl has to deal with. The best part is the music that accompanies each exercise. They are cheery, lively tunes played on the piano, like "Tea for Two". It made me want to work out but then I just wanted to lie down and listen to the soothing voice of the instructor.

 The inside of the album has a calorie chart. It has an exceptionally large Martini, cocktail section. They don't have half the fattening food items we deal with these days. Then, they feature a couple of pages of how the exercise pose should look and how the movement should be executed. There are a lot of tennis, golf and bowling moves. Nothing too embarrassing, no awkward squats or lunges. Maybe, this will be the motivation I need to stay in shape. Unfortunately, It is more likely that you'll find me listening to the pleasant jingles while I eat brownies and drink tea. Perhaps, I just need to find the right leotard.

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