Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year Friends!!!

 First,  I wanted to share this amazingly stylish and pricey bottle of  Dom Perignon Champagne.  It is a limited edition bottle by David Lynch, artist, and movie producer of the cult favorite, and what I would say, worst film ever made, Eraserhead.  However the bottle is cool and hip on so many levels.
 Next, I wanted to show you some designer cookies someone gave me as a gift. I think they are creative and fun but the test is in the taste,  I can tell you by appearance. they look a little dry.
 This was a really fun bottle of Champagne, given to me as a gift. I just love the festive winter bottle. I definitely plan to chop of the top and make this a candle holder. It will look so pretty with the blue glass.
Finally, I am not a drinker but everyone should take part in a New Years toast. They have so many alcohol free sparkling ciders that there is really no excuse to not pop open something bubbly to ring in the New Year. I have here a very reasonably priced Champagne, and just the thing to have on hand for those unexpected New Years guests. We will be eating Chinese food and watching fire works. Have fun and be safe!

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