Friday, December 7, 2012


I decided to make gingerbread houses with the kids. A good gingerbread house starts with a strong sugar foundation.  I made mine with a little cream of tartar, vanilla flavored coffee creamer and confectionery sugar. I decided that the children are really only interested in the candy so I was not going to go the extra mile and make gingerbread.  There is really no excuse not to, but I was pressed for time.  Pillsbury makes refrigerated gingerbread dough or you can buy gingerbread graham crackers but I went with plain graham crackers.
I bought a bunch of yummy candy.  I forgot gum drops which is a bummer.  Spice gum drops are so classic and a must have for gingerbread houses not to mention candy ribbon. I failed in that department.
 Here is a little gingerbread villiage. Most of the kids are under eight so they won't win any contests for beauty.  They were still really cute not to mention yummy.
 I took pictures, then they went back to the kitchen table.  I made some hot cocoa and the destruction began. It was fun, that turned into a manic sugar rush, jumping, running, fighting over candy and then crying.
 I love doing crafts with the kids.  Well, most of the time. I do love this time of year!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, those are adorable! You're right that they care more about the candy than the gingerbread. Looks like they had a blast with them!
