Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wrapping up Saint Paddy's Day.

 Well, it is snowing here again in Boston.  I have already put the snow stuff away, twice.  Last year, I was tripping over boots and mittens for months and there was no snow to be seen so I didn't want to do that again. I keep all the bulky snow suits in the attic so it is a hassle to take it down.  Mother nature, I thought you would get the hint.
 Do you like these cute little kissing leprechauns?  I think they are really sweet. I decided to write a little about milk glass.  I have a bunch of it kicking around the house.  They are mostly planters. I like milk glass because it is white which makes it flexible.  It can be used for any season or any colored flower.
 This top hat looked cute for Saint Patrick's day.
 I use the round one for a planter and the square one has colored sand and little votive candles.
 Here is a little bud vase and a tiny working oil lamp.  Actually only the top is milk class. Below, is a tiny doll house accessory made of milk glass.  I think it is a mini baking dish. Very cute.
 Here is just another planter with a bayberry cinnamon  artisan candle.  Perfect as the centerpiece of a Christmas table of Valentines Day dinner.
 My kids made these funny leprechaun faces for the window. You can see how dreary it is outside. Interesting story about the prickly pear cactus shown.  My hubby saw it by the side of the road in Arizona and threw it in a paper bag and took it home.  He forgot about it for about a week and then I threw it in some dirt. About two months, later two big yellow flowers appeared on it. Truly magical! Since then, it grew two limbs that also grew two limbs. Limbs? I mean smaller cacti. Then I bought some other cacti to keep it company.  They have all really flourished. I wish I had that kind of luck with edible garden plants.
 I told you I collect any kind of vintage decoration .  Here are a few from the eighties.
 I think they capitalized on the Care Bear craze. They put a smile on my face.
 Wrapping up my rant with any every day All-American lunch.  I don't eat processed meats very often and if  I ever do eat hot dogs they have to be beef.  However, some days I really crave the comfort food from my childhood. They may not be pretty but I assure you, on this chilly March day, they really took the edge off. Complete with fried onions, Frenches Mustard and gasp....processed yellow cheese with a side order of Bushes Boston Baked Beans.  Yeah, life is good.

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