Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pre-Easter Prep.

 The day before Easter is always a little hectic. We decorate eggs. I always buy several different kits. This year it was Spider Man, Sesame Street and Kittens and Puppy fun. I wanted to appeal to the different age children I have. The easiest eggs are the ones where you slip on the little plastic sleeve that melt perfectly around the egg. However, the eggs this year were all too fat.
 Below are two Italian Easter Breads. We go to a Ukrainian Church and it is customary to bring a basket to the church to be blessed.  The basket usually has an Easter breakfast of eggs, kielbasa  bread and cheese. The funny thing this year is Ukrainian Easter is not for a few weeks because they follow the Julian Calender. We sort of mix The Ukrainian Christian with Roman Catholic Rites so we will celebrate tomorrow with our extended family and we will do it again in a few weeks. You really can't go wrong with two big spring holidays. In reality it is still too snowy and cold for Easter egg hunting.
 Here are the four dozen eggs. The kids should get them done in an hour.
 I needed a healthy sugar break. Nothing says Happy Easter like artificially colored pink snowballs and a cold bottle of coke. We really cut back on the sweets for lent so I need to jump back into the program. I am already thinking about my breakfast of jelly beans and chocolate.
Enjoy the Day. Off to clean my house.

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