Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Flag Day and Fairs

 Summertime is here. A time for cook outs, carnivals, flea markets, parades and the beach. Such a wonderful time of the year.  I couldn't resist taking a snapshot of this fun, brightly colored novelty display. You really can't go wrong with an inflatable pink unicorn.  I didn't realize how much I needed or wanted half of these items until I saw them.
 This mini Ferris wheel was just my speed.  I wish I had one of these in my own backyard.
 Here a couple of the boys trying to figure out how to make the plane rise up...they got the hang of it eventually.
 It has many names but I will always think of this amusement ride as the classic Tilt a Whirl....It never did tilt, just spun around as well as using hand propelled motion like the tea cups in Disney World. Classic nausea and fun.
Look, who could this be? It is Elmo and Cookie Monster of course and upon further inspection it was nice to see both were sporting lovey manicures in nice summer nail polish colors. I don't think my little guys noticed.
 Here are a few picks from Dedham's Flag Day Parade. It is the biggest Flag Day Parade in America. There were classic cars, Boston style patriot as well as many fraternal order and high school marching bands. There were many veterans as well as fire trucks, and police marching in full uniform or on horseback.
 Politicians, organizations and businesses were there as well. They all threw assorted candies, mardi gras beads and handed out American flags and red, white and blue memorabilia. The kids love it.
 There were a couple of old timey jazz ensembles and barber shop quartets, as well as clowns costumes and vendors selling their wares. Hot pretzels, snow cones and party poppers are always a hit. Of course the highlight of the parade was the display of small town American pride and waving of the flag. Politics aside it is always great to see people come together for love of country, especially in such an ethnically diverse town like Dedham. A great time was had by all.

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