Thursday, June 6, 2013

Random Shmandom.

 All I have to say is....don't ask. Yes, the band is donning 18th century garb and powdered wigs.
 They sound like AC/DC and are not only entertaining but very talented. They are called the Upper Crust. They were rockin' it out at the old school, trendy Midway Cafe, near my home.  You can also get some really good eats there as well at very reasonable prices.
 Here is a random shot of a sleeping Bat Man with ice cream melted all over his costume. He conked out after a full hour of fighting crime. Very cute little guy.
 It is that time of year again. Events central. Kit and Chick are busy getting in full swing of summer cupcake season. Below I have posted some Bruins Hockey cupcakes....because once again, Boston is kicking butt  in the sports department. It is so hard to be good in everything. Go Boston Strong!
 Here is a little summer sunshine. It is hard to find candy corns this time a year but you can see how they are the perfect thing and so easy.
 Here is a little imitation ice cream soda cup cake with a cherry on top, which is actually a gumball. Look at these adorable "pearly" gumballs.  Are they pretty or what. Perfect for pirate treasure or princess cupcakes.
 Then we have muffins. All different kinds. Who doesn't love muffins. They are just the thing with a cup of coffee in the morning. I really decided that cup cakes and muffins are the way to go with catered events because the paper cups keep uniform shape. Too many cakes and breads have fallen apart when being removed from the pan.  When you are cooking for some other party you just don't need the stress. Have a good day!!!

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