Monday, May 6, 2013

A Little Spring Fling

Who doesn't love these retro park rides? These things are on big springs and rock back and forth, watch out for your fingers. However, don't rock too much. The solid steel head can knock your teeth out. The kids today are so lucky as far as safety goes.Everything it safety plastic on foam rubber carpeting or wood chips.  When a was a tyke in the seventies there was a very good chance you could be rushed off the play ground to go for a ride in an ambulance. All the enjoyable playground entertainment had high injury risk. The swings could easily go up in the air fifteen feet. We used to swing high and jump off. I sprained my ankle a few times doing that. I remember my friend broke her leg in first grade falling off a twenty foot slide. It was all about splinter thigh, sea-saws and metal bar, fat lip, jungle gyms. There was a merry go round type thing that you could easily be thrown from. However, if you were pushing, you could get dragged or trampled. I suppose it was better than getting hit in the head, with a pair of "Dr. Scholls sandals" or clogs that flew off a swinging friend. You might even slip and rip your knew open on the concrete that was directly below the jungle gym. Taking time out to eat your squashed peanut butter and jelly sandwich that absorbed that sour lunch box smell after it was crushed by a banged up apple made it all worthwhile. Ahhh, the memories of a seatbeltless childhood.
  The other day took a trip to the zoo. Here we see a beautiful mountain lion. I am happy we don't have cats this big in Massachusetts. However we do have bears, which are twice as big and are known for assaulting vacationers with picnic baskets.
 Here is a lovely leopard. It sat right on the other side of the glass. It was really cool to get up close and personal.
 This is some sort of a badger or something. I did not even see what it was called. He was cute but I could not find any information about him around the cage.
 Here were some flamingos  I love flamingos!!! However , they need to be made of plastic.  These birds smell awful!!! Below you see the children fooling around with the sign. Below is a picture of leaves starting to sprout. So far it has been a very cold spring. It is already May but we are still in dropping into the low forties at night. Is it possible we might see a few snow flakes this spring? I would not be a bit surprised.

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