Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I wanted to share a little family tradition that we take part in every year. Believe it or not. it is our yearly expedition to go out and gather mushrooms. However, these are not regular mushrooms...these are actually edible mushrooms. However, I would not be caught dead eating one or advising that anyone try to do so.
We go with our friends from Poland every year. They introduced us to it. They say it is a very popular past time and often an activity to do on a first date in their country. Mushrooms don't seem very romantic but how can you go wrong with a romantic walk in the woods, in the Fall.

 The kinds of mushrooms to look for are sponge bottom type as opposed to a shroom with gills. You check for bugs. cut of the stems, see if it smells mushroomy but not bitter or toxic and throw in your basket.  Oh yeah, you must bring a basket...like Little Red Riding Hood. My friend pickles the mushrooms or dries them to add to soup or pirogi.
 These tree mushrooms are not edible but there are certain kinds, like Chicken of the Forest, that are. Again I would never chance it. The fun part is finding the mushrooms and other little surprises, like this little frog.
 It was a beautiful day and fun for all.

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