Thursday, October 18, 2012

random stuff

 This is as political as I want to get these days. It is a picture of a record album, I mentioned in an earlier blog that I collect them. In reality, this is a comedy record spoofing the Kennedy Family. They have Jackie Os famous house tour and lots of poorly done Boston accents. The album is mostly making fun of the Boston accent with corny jokes here and there. This album would not make any sense to anyone listening today, unless you had some prior knowledge of history. I think the record is kind of cool because at the time, the actors had no idea that JFK would have such a tragic death. To me, even the picture shows the idealism of the times, even though it was suppose to be a spoof. Everything changed after that. Bring back the Pill Box Hat!
 More albums, all for children. I remember being so enchanted as a child , when I would listen to records. I would sit on the floor and look at every detail on the album cover. If you were lucky, sometimes there was a little booklet attached to the inside.
 Who wasn't inspired by the Little Engine? My mother would often refer to this can-do attitude when we would complain about cleaning our rooms. Actually, it made me hate the Little Engine.
 Disney....They had the best records. The great thing about these albums is they got the original voices of the characters from the movies.  Records were a big business so even kids albums were done well.
 Tubby.........Cute picture, annoying tuba. Not a favorite.
 I have put on these records for my children and they were bored out of their minds. They cried. My son Conrad said, "Do we have to keep listening to this...I am getting a headache." That hurts coming from a six year old. Maybe our standards were lower in the seventies. Maybe we were simple folk but I have to think classical music is always inspiring to children of all ages. Hall of the Mountain King, Peter and the Wolf, they still excite me. I guess I am just old.

On a different note. Here is my stained, ancient bathroom floor. Circa 1930. I have thought about tearing it up so many times but there is something about living in an old house that makes you want to respect who it is. Maybe that is just my weirdness shining through. My home was built in 1870 and there are a ton of things I would like to do to bring it up to date but I feel like it wouldn't be right. I like the way it is. I did a major addition to add onto the house and that was good enough for me. The funny thing is, when digging up the back yard we found huge pieces of broken white marble from the original bathroom sinks. How I wish the homeowners back in the thirties had the foresight not to update for cheap linoleum. 
Anyway, I covered the floor with gold and pink glitter and polyurethane. It came out really cool. Sure, there is glitter here and there, on the rugs and scattered about the house but I am cool with that. My husband not so much. The man is a saint.

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