Monday, February 9, 2015

February Feelings

 Introducing my newest little cherub. A true Bostonian supporting the team with his Patriots hat on.  There is nothing like having a new baby in the house. To see that little smiling face after waking up after a nap makes my day. I am not going to say I am not tired, I am and that is one of the reasons I haven't posted in such a long time.
 I collect anything vintage baby. I end up selling most of it but somethings I do hang on to. I love little vintage outfits and planters.  In the picture above, you can see white stuffed dog in the back there.  That is an autograph dog from the fifties. Moms were suppose to bring it to the hospital when having a baby and everyone even the Doctors and nurse were suppose to sign it. I toyed with bringing it to the hospital myself  when I had my baby but I didn't want to ruin it  if people had leaking pens or ugly signatures.
 Above and below are some adorable cards from a scrap book I bought. I love the scrapbook, what a treasure. It is filled with pages of vintage baby cards from the fifties.  I think it is sad that it ended up at a flea market, because so much time was put into putting it together. The mom seemed like a debutante type lady because there were even cards from "her help".  I would have cherished something like this if my mother made this when I was born. Maybe no one sent her any cards, That seems too sad, I am sure they are tucked away in some drawer.
 You can see by the picture below that the snow is piling high outside. It is at least four feet and keeps falling. I have really enjoyed the snow days with the kids. The cancellations of their activities have given me time to do the little things I have been behind in doing. Especially, drinking lot's of cocoa.
 In the midst of this winter wonderland, let's not forget February is the time for flowers, chocolates and St. Valentines Day. I was scheduled to have a little Valentine Day bridge brunch with Chick and other card playing gals but the snow put a damper on things.
 Below is a cheerful little table awaiting guests, that were snowed in at home. Such a disappointment, I guess I will have to eat all the delicious goodies I made, with my children. This winter weather is doing nothing for my waistline.  Take care, until I get my act together enough to touch base again through my very lack luster, low functioning blog.

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