Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Planes, Trains, Automobiles..an Ode to Summer

This summer we were getting on planes. Personally, I hate to fly but sometimes, there is no other way. Here, I have posted a few pictures from a full summer of fun. I have ignored this blog for a year but I am feeling inspired. I wanted to post some fun fall stuff but felt I should give Summer 2016 some credit. We had our  first frost here in Boston. The snow will be flying soon. I imagine, I will have more inside/down time with soccer wrapping up and garden chores done. I hope to give this sad little blog some attention. So like I mentioned, there was flying on planes.
Here is an aerial shot over Washington D.C.
We were getting on trains. Not this one. This is a cargo train going over the Hudson River in New York.
This a little train ride my boys were on at an Irish Festival that we went to in the Catskills, of New York. There was some really great music but I was disappointed with the lack of Irish dancers. It was at least 95 degrees that day. It is freezing out today. I am not ready for this whole winter thing!
There were automobiles. This was a vintage army jeep that was in a fourth of July parade. They threw us Tootsie Rolls. A candy I would never buy but love them when I get them.
 The boys always love to take a spin in their Grandmothers "car with no top".
There were boats and sailing and wading on floats.
There were lots of picnics on the beach this summer. Sandwiches with sand and warm drinks.
There was hoverboarding and very few scraped knees and stubbed toes.
There was lots of clothes changing. Swimsuits to sweatshirts, shoes to flipflops and then back to swim suits.
There were walks along the beach in the misty rain.

There were patriotic desserts being made on the 4th of July.

Not to mention patriotic candy eating.

There were rainbow cakes. I wish it had a unicorn  on there. Who doesn't love blue frosting?

There was lots of shopping and antique-ing and birthday gift buying for nieces.
There were tantrums over not being able to blow out candles over and over again. Three times is the maximum to avoid major wax build up on the cake. 
There were more artificial snacks on special visits.
There was plenty of  backyard water play.
There were yummy clambakes, sticky hands and yucky clean ups.
There was an over abundance of beautiful sunsets and sunrises, clear starry nights and enjoying nature. It was an amazing summer.