Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Adios, Summer 2015

 The summer is almost over.  There is always a bittersweet sense of excitement as the crickets song lulls us to sleep at night.  We know Fall is right around the corner. The September mornings are always a little bit cool.  I go back to starting off my day with several hot cups of tea and the children insist on having a warm breakfast. Pancakes, oatmeal, toast or scrambled eggs. I always bring out my treasured egg cups, mostly from Denmark and some vintage, when summer ends.

These fresh eggs are from my sisters beautiful chickens. The shells are a pale green. They are so lovely and I don't feel bad eating them. Her chickens are spoiled rotten, not to mention demanding. I never realized how picky or opinionated a hen could be but hers definitely are.
 The end of the summer brings with it harvest fairs and carnivals. This is a great time of year for junky treats like fried dough, candy apples and cheese fries. The picture below is a glimpse of the attractions at the Marshfield Fair from the perspective of the Ferris Wheel. Yikes.
 There are a couple of classic rides my kids always insist on going on. First is Crazy Bus. It goes up and down, pretty classic for little kids.
 Of course , there needs to be a water gun game.  Three dollars a try was so over priced. Every kid won a prize though. I really would have preferred that they didn't all end up taking home a plush banana with eyes, but hey, they were happy.
 Bumper cars. Not much driving going on, or socialization. They only bumped into their brothers. Again, they laughed a lot and were happy.
 There was this tug boat ride which was cute. It seemed a little unstable and dangerous but I guess that is the chance we take when we put our beloved offspring into the trust of the carnival folk. Actually, they were all really nice and pretty safety conscious.
 We ended this super hot day after the fair, at the ocean for a swim.  The water was so refreshing!
Sand castles and silliness were a final few things on the agenda.
We ended the excursion with a trip to Dairy Queen for soft serve ice cream. It was the perfect ending to a perfectly exhausting summer day.
Goodbye summer 2015. Looking forward to beautiful fall!