Sunday, September 14, 2014

Farewell Summer 2014!

 Here, are few little snippets of the summer. Today, I officially realized that fall is closing in. It is time to put away the pastel cotton frocks of summer and drag out the jackets, sweaters, scarves and  ponchos from boxes in the attic  and shelves in closets. We had a wonderful summer.  It was off to a cool start, which was actually nice because we were able to take a lot of little field trips. Above, you can see one of my boys sitting on top of a fake bull at Sturbridge Village here in MA. The Villiage has a lot of turn of the century sites to see.
 Here, one of my sons is proudly sporting a top hat and a smart, tailed over coat. He looks for like a chimney sweep than a respectable militia man. I guess back in the day every citizen who could hold a gun had to be part of their local militia, here in New England.  The ridiculous part of it was, not only was the position required but each man had to purchase his own weapon and uniform. Pretty unfair for poor farmers and tradesmen.
 Here, the lads are looking at some heirloom sheep, just looked like regular sheep to me. Below the boys are being silly.
 There was a lot of outdoor adventuring and hiking. The cooler weather made it perfect for picnics and kept away the usual annoying mosquitoes and gnats.
 There were lazy days of squirt guns and playing in the little pools at home and at friends houses.
 There were a ton of tomatoes in the garden this year. The little cherry tomatoes were the most successful. My boys would just take them off the vine, rub them clean and pop them in their mouths, when they were playing outdoors.
 There were a lot of nice days at the beach, fishing and summer evening walks.
 We attended the Cape Cod Canal 100 Year Anniversary celebration which had great music and good food. We were also able to attend the festivities at the nearby MASS Maritime College where historical boats and free battle ship tours went on through out the day.
 Above, there was a somewhat scary/pretty bubble blowing fish walking around. It just added another element of fun to the celebration.
 There was metal detecting and swimming at the ocean in Marshfield and several frosty treats to be had at the Dairy Queen. My little guy fell asleep after a long day of fun.
 In July, another son took second place in Wrestling at the Bay State Games, in Boston. He lost by one point which the video later showed was a bad call by the referee. Sounds like I might be still feeling a little bitter about it.
 There were a lot of days at the park and visiting local historical monuments and tourist destinations.
 Here, we can see the oldest known chair in the country which is on display at the Dedham Historical Society.
 There was definitely a lot to be thankful for.  However, it is time to say goodbye to summer and flip flops and hello to my favorite time of the year. Autumn. I hope I will be able to find the time to add something interesting to this otherwise lack luster blog.Right now, I have got to get started on my closets.