Tuesday, April 16, 2013

When terror is around the corner from home......

We are all in total shock here today. Boston is a different city this morning. We have lost a few of our own because of the twin bombings not to mention over 140 others who were injured. I got FB messages from friends saying they were all in at the  Boston Marathon as runners or spectators. I was stuck at work but heard the news minutes after it happened.  The frightening thing is that so many people I care about were put in danger not to mention the relatives of mine who are Boston Police officers.  My dad is a retired Boston cop. These guys and gals are one of a kind . We are a passionate proud city and we will survive but everyone is hurting right now.

Monday, April 1, 2013

It was a lovely Easter!

 Here are a few of the baskets the Easter Bunny brought for my children, however, the small one in the front was for me.  I did not want to get accused of taking candy from the little kids, they are getting too smart. It took a couple of hours to get everything put together.
 No Easter Basket is complete without a Paddle Ball or a punch balloon.  The Easter Bunny couldn't find the balloons but the Paddle Balls were perfect. I love their cool retro design.
 I am a Facebook Friend with Antique Doll Corner. I collect many different kinds of dolls and I wanted to post an Easter Greeting for my other doll enthusiast friends. This doll is the tallest one I have at over two feet. Her maker is Armand Marseilles. She is holding a little basket with colored candy eggs and chenille chicks. I just love chenille chicks. So adorable!
 We went to the parents for Holiday dinner.  They always go all out in the food department. They had prime rib, lamb and turkey.  They also had all sorts of veggies and appetizers and bread for the vegetarian minded that dined with us. I forgot to take pictures of the pastries and dessert that I pigged out on. It was so delightful but that gluttony came at a price. I tossed and turned all night.
 Here is a beautiful Butterball turkey stuffed with a sausage and apple stuffing. The chickens were very upset by this. I told them not to worry.
 The chickens were very curious about the colored eggs strewn about. They always follow the little kids around like puppies looking for snacks. The chickens love to see the children because they know if they hang around they might get a cookie. Below, is a picture of the kids looking for plastic eggs.  The Easter eggs had candy and money. Then, there was "the bonus egg" that had twenty dollars. The competition was fierce. Wow, this picture looks so dismal.  Easter was so early this year that the only pop of color in the yard were a couple random crocus plants. Even the daffodils are still sleeping. At least the day was warm.
 Here are some little Italian Easter candies from my husband. Every year he goes to Mike's Pastry in the North End of Boston and gets a big beautiful lamb cake. It is made of marzipan and royal icing and filled with sweets. He also get the big pretty wrapped chocolate eggs filled with a prize. However, this year it did not happen. He just went to Vincenzo's Italian eatery in my town and fulfilled his obligation of getting me some Italian candy. I really thought the bottle filled with Baci chocolates was adorable. Nice work Hon! It was a great Easter all around.