Friday, February 15, 2013

It was a Fat Valentines Day!

 Busy week here again.  We had a Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras pig out/St. Valentines Day party.  Above I have a  huge battered Valentine box from 25 years ago when my husband and I were teens in love. It was a Fanny Farmer chocolate selection with five pounds of candy. On top you see the box I got this year.  My hubby said it is because Fanny Farmer doesn't exist anymore. He is so funny. I got some flowers too.
Here are few vintage decorations I had hanging up. I have a ton of cheesy stuff like this. The kids love how I get into the spirit of the seasons and Holidays.
Here are just a few little Valentines.  They are no where as cute or clever as they used to be.  I am going to order some vintage valentines on line next year. However, the snoopy ones were kind of cute.
 We had a major snow storm. The blizzard named Nemo. It really packed a punch. The kids had a ball. There was a ton of shoveling. I even got in on the action. My back is still killing me.
 Romantic chocolate strawberries and marshmallows not to mention a lot of other goodies were served.

 My new baby niece Gemma or as I like to call her Jem. I loved cartoon Jem and the Holograms, they were truly outrageous from the eighties. She is my God Daughter and she is so beautiful!
 More kitschy valentines decorations. They warm my heart in a tacky fun sort of way.
I did a little valentines tree with some mini Madame Alexanders, Kiddle dolls, vintage valentines and candy...again some whimsy for the children.

 Finally, I had to show you this cute little shirt. It is a smiling glass of milk on a cookie bike. So it is blurred a bit, but you get the idea. Hope you had a really fun St. Valentine's Day. We had a ton of food and fun!